Drain Cleaning

Are your drains clogged or running slowly? Has the toilet decided it just won’t flush? If so, it’s time to have them cleaned. Our professional drain cleaning services can break up even the toughest clogs in your drains. 

How We Clean Your Drains

At DIFAJO Plumbing, we use video camera diagnostics to locate and identify the problem. This allows us to design a customized and effective solution. Many clogs and slow drains can be solved with hydrojetting. This popular drain cleaning method uses pressurized water to blast through even stubborn blockages while also clearing away layers of buildup from the inside of your pipes. 

Choosing the Right Drain Cleaning Company

If you’ve noticed signs of a clog, we can help. DIFAJO Plumbing offers comprehensive and professional drain cleaning services throughout South Florida. Contact us today to learn more about our services or request an estimate. 

Signs You Need Drain Cleaning Services

Are your drains clogged or running slowly? Has the toilet decided it just won’t flush? If so, it’s time to have them cleaned. Our professional drain cleaning services can break up even the toughest clogs in your drains. 

How To Prevent Clogs From Happening

While you can’t avoid regular buildup within pipes, you can reduce the chances of developing a serious clog. Drain cleaning companies recommend limiting what goes down the drains as an important first step. You should never let grease, hair, food scraps, or personal care items down the drains or toilet. Installing mesh screens and filters over inlets can also help reduce debris inside of the pipes.

If you have a plumbing problem, give us a call.

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